Meaghan is a true Georgia peach with a passion for meteorology, entertainment & the hard of hearing. Her daily routine focuses on broadcasting the morning weather, facilitating her nonprofit, The Heart of Hearing, and hosting her well-established, fan following podcast, "Biscuits & Jam."
Meaghan Thomas is an award-winning broadcast meteorologist with over a decade of experience in front of the camera and storm chasing. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Broadcast News & Geography from the University of Alabama then completed her master’s degree in Broadcast Meteorology from Mississippi State University. She also holds the prestigious AMS Certified Broadcast Meteorologist seal.
Along with meteorology, Meaghan’s passions involve bringing awareness to the hard of hearing, Deaf & deaf communities. She proudly wears bi-lateral hearing aids and wants to encourage others that being different makes you special. She created a Non-Profit, The Heart of Hearing, Inc. to raise funding for young professionals who cannot afford hearing aids.
In addition, Meaghan is the author of two children's book, Heart of Hearing and the 'Daisy Diana Discovers' series. Heart of Hearing is an animated story for children that encourages them to wear their aids. It highlights aspects of the world around us that would be missed if one chooses not to wear them and helps hearing children understand why one wears aids. Proceeds goes directly to the non-profit, The Heart of Hearing, Inc.
Daisy Diana Discovers: The Wonders of Weather is an entertaining and informative story that teaches the reader the science behind different types of weather and how to stay safe if severe weather occurs. Whether you love meteorology or reading this to ease storm anxiety, you'll have fun learning along the way with Daisy Diana and friends.